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Bubo and Endi

Bubo and Endi are two police dogs from the border police station Imotski used in one of the newspaper reports, numerous in recent times, on the police operations at the Croatian state borders, for the purpose of promoting the suppression of illegal migration. The title of the report, “Dogs Bubo and Endi Protect the Croatian Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina from Migrants”, signals a clear positioning of, on one side, individualized dogs with their own names (cf. Pablo), a type of domesticated animals usually shown exceptional affection, which in this case help the police officers in protecting the border (cf. Candy), and, on the opposing side, a general noun referring to a homogeneously represented group from which the border should be protected. The police dogs from Imotski represent animal, to some extent anthropomorphized, border guards, and thus belong to a repertoire of animalistic elements used in the production of discourses directed against migration, which, in addition to anthropomorphisms, also use zoomorphisms, among other things (cf. wild animals).


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